Term and Condition - Best Scooter & Bike Rentals in Bhubaneswar.Bike Rent in Bhubaneswar.Rent Stats Rs.299/Day

Term and Condition


Terms & Conditions

  • Payment process
    • Rental charges has to be paid online for the duration chosen while booking the bike
  • Delay
    • Condition applicable for Goa, Surat, Bangalore, Bhubaneswar,
    • A fee of Rs.100 along with 2X of the rental charges per hour will be charged for vehicle being returned after the grace period of 30 mins.
    • Condition applicable for other cities
    • A fee of 200 of the rental charges per hour will be charged for vehicle being returned after the grace period of 30 mins.
  • Documents
    • Members should have a valid Two-wheeler driving license which has to be uploaded along with Aadhar card or Passport as a proof.
    • Original Driving license is to be deposited before picking up the vehicle and the same Will be returned once the vehicle is dropped.
  • Use of Vehicle
    • These motorcycles we rent are large, heavyweight, very powerful and not appropriate for beginner or inexperienced riders.
    • The lessee should have a valid driving license, be at least 18 years old and must always wear a helmet while riding.
    • Must have appropriate riding gear, i.e... Boots or closed toe shoes, pants & eyewear. No flip-flops, sandals or shorts.
    • Only the lessee is permitted to drive the vehicle
    • Lessee is responsible for his insurance; Lessor will not be responsible for any accidental expenses of Rider.
    • The lessee shall use the bike entirely at his/her own risk and agrees that lessor will not accept any responsibility or be held accountable for any loss, injury or death as a result of, or leading from the hire of any of the vehicles.
    • The bike shall be returned back to lessor in the same condition in which it was handed over to lessee.
    • In case the vehicle returned is found excessively dirty/muddy, the lessee will have to bear the charge of washing not exceeding 200 Rupees.
    • Rental package does not include Fuel, Toll, road side assistance and Taxes
    • Lessee is responsible for any traffic violations incurred due to your use of a rented vehicle. Lessor is not liable for any costs from any such violation.
    • You must report such violations to a Lessor’s Representative as soon as possible.
    • Towing service will be borne by the customer in case of unlikely event of tire puncture or collision or breakdown due to improper usage. In the event of mechanical or technical failure, we will take care in towing the bike at our own cost
    •  follow speed guidelines – our team gets automated updates on the bikes that exceed speed limits.
  • Prohibited Uses
    • The use of a Lessor’s vehicle under the following conditions is prohibited:
    • Our motorcycles cannot be used for rallies and rally surcharges or any format of professional or amateur competitions and media usage.
    • By any person who is under the influence of (i) alcohol or (ii) any drug or medication under the effects of which the operation of a vehicle is prohibited or not recommended.
    • In carrying out of any crime or any other illegal activity.
  • Delivery process
    • Lessee has to be present at the agreed date and time to pick up the bike.
    • Delivered vehicle cannot be rejected after handover. Once accepted by Lessee or his/her representative at the time of pickup, vehicle is not to be returned before agreed contract period. Lessee should do quality test of bike before he accepts bike from Lessor.
    • Though we do quality checks at our end before delivery, lessee is expected to see if there are any damages and report the same to representative of lessor and photos shall be captured of the same.
    • One signed copy of the contract is to be kept by each party.
  • Handover process
    • Lessee has to inform us 2 hrs in advance before the end of the contract Period.
    • Pick-up date and time will be mutually decided by lessee and us. The drop –off location will be the same as the pick-up location.
    • Lessee has to be present at the agreed date and time.
  • Damage policy
    • The Lessee agrees to pay for any damage to, loss of, or any theft (disappearance) of parts of bike, regardless of cause or fault. Item damaged beyond repair will be paid for at its Market Price.
    • The representative shall check the bike and its parts in order to ascertain any damage to items. Damage shall be defined as follows:
    • Any damage which existed prior to the handover of the Motorbike and was agreed between the lessee and lessor will not be chargeable to the Lessee.
    • Tear in seat cover will result in charge towards replacement of seat cover. Opening up a stitched joint will not be chargeable.
    • Any variation showing damages, if ascertained as not caused by normal wear and tear, would be charged and would have to be borne by the Lessee
    • In case of an accident or collision, the rider members are accountable to pay a standard amount towards the accident insurance not exceeding Rs. 15,000(which may vary depending on the severity of the damage). The members are bound to pay for the repairs incurred due to damages caused by the collision/accident.
    • Any charges exceeding Rs. 15,000 will be claimed from the insurance.
    • The above point is not valid for bikes exceeding 200cc. In such cases the actual repair amount must be borne by the rides/user. The insurance will only be claimed if the loss is exceeding 25% of the bike value.
    • In the event of a collision, either due to the fault of the rider himself or due to any other unavoidable instance, the costs involved in towing or confiscation of RB bikes are to be borne by the members alone
    • Inactive hours during the repair period shall be charged to the rider member at 50% of the per day rental amount
  • Fuel Policy
    • Fuel is client’s responsibility. We will be giving you sufficient fuel to reach the nearest fuel pump.
  • Process
    • Royal Brothers may send booking confirmation, itinerary information, cancellation, payment confirmation, refund status, schedule change or any such other information relevant for the transaction, via SMS or by voice call on the contact number given by the User at the time of booking; Royal Brothers may also contact the User by voice call, SMS or email in case the User couldn't or hasn't concluded the booking, for any reason what so ever or to know the preference of the User for concluding the booking and also to help the User for the booking. The User hereby unconditionally consents that such communications via SMS and/ or voice call by Royal Brothers is (a) upon the request and authorization of the User, (b) 'transactional' and not an 'unsolicited commercial communication' as per the guidelines of Telecom Regulation Authority of India (TRAI) and (c) in compliance with the relevant guidelines of TRAI or such other authority in India and abroad. The User will indemnify Royal Brothers against all types of losses and damages incurred by Royal Brothers due to any action taken by TRAI, Access Providers (as per TRAI regulations) or any other authority due to any erroneous compliant made by the User against Royal Brothers with respect to the intimations mentioned above or on account of any wrong number or email id provided by the User for any reason whatsoever.
  • Maintenance
    • The customer is liable for checking engine oils during a trip and maintaining the vehicle while on road. Any mechanical failures should be reported immediately. Customers may be held responsible in case of a mechanical failure resulting due to negligence of the normal maintenance while on the trip.
  • Cancellation policy as below:

    Booking related

    • No show - 100% deduction and only security deposit will be refunded
    • Between 0 - 6 hrs of the pick up time - 75% rental charges will be withheld and security deposit will be refunded.
    • Between 6-24 hrs of the pick up time: 50% rental charges will be withheld.
    • Between 24-72 hrs of the pick up time: 25% rental charges will be withheld.
    • 72 hrs or more prior to the pick up time: 10% rental charges will be withheld.

    Long term booking related

    • Before start of rental period – 10% of the first month’s rent.
    • During the rental period – Half month’s rent.
  • Extra charges such as the following will be applicable -
    • If a customer chooses an extra helmet on the spot, it will be billed additionally on the spot.
    • Excess Km - The excess km charges will be calculated at the time of drop off and the customer will be required to pay the same at the parking location.
    • Any damages will be inspected at the spot and the charges will be collected on the spot as per the damage terms mentioned.
  • Deposit
    • The customer has to deposit refundable security deposit for certain bikes to take a ride with us. The refund usually takes 5-7 working days to reflect in the source account from the date of invoice.
  • Over speeding
    • The bikes have to be ridden within permissible limits. The speed limit for each vehicle is different which will be specified at the time of booking. You have to be under the speed limit specified by the company or the speed limit specified by the governing authority, whichever is lesser.
  • Cap on riding km
    • The rider agrees to adhere to the km cap limit of Royal Brothers. The Bikes have a km limit of 240km per day basis and the scooters have a km limit of 120 km per day basis.
  • Process to Rent Helmet
    • Helmets need to be booked in advance.
    • Helmets will be charged @ 50/day
    • If the helmet is damaged or lost, a charge of Rs. 900 will be levied since these are branded helmets which will be provided to you.
    • Only one helmet will be provided per person, any extras will be charged at Rs. 50 per 24 hours
  • Use of Information
    • The users first name and booking details may be used for showing booking popups to other users on our homepage. No other personally identifiable information will be shown. Please read the Privacy Policy for more details regarding use of information.
  • Assumption of risk
    • The rider has been given the opportunity to operate ride upon or otherwise use one or more motorcycles or other vehicles owned or controlled by Royalbison Autorentals India Pvt Ltd, OPERATING UNDER THE ROYAL BROTHERS BRAND.; (collectively, the “Company”; each such company owned or controlled vehicle is referred to herein as a “C.O.C.V.”),
    • The rider fully understands and acknowledges that operating or riding on a vehicle is an activity that has its own unique, inherent risks, and that serious injury or death could result from operating or riding on a C.O.C.V. through no fault of his own. The rider (lessee) is voluntarily choosing to operate and/or ride upon C.O.C.V.s.
    • Without limiting the foregoing, THE RIDER ASSUME ALL RISKS ARISING FROM THE FOLLOWING: (i) the condition or safety of the C.O.C.V.s, any other vehicles or equipment, or any roadways, premises or property; (ii) the repair or maintenance, or lack thereof, of the C.O.C.V.s or any other vehicles or equipment; (iii) the use of, or failure to use, any safety devices or safeguards; (iv) the conditions, qualifications, instructions, rules or procedures under which any C.O.C.V is used; (v) the violation by me or by other operators or passengers of any C.O.C.V. User Eligibility or Program Rules; (vi) any defective or unreasonably dangerous products, components or C.O.C.V.s; (vii) the weather conditions during operation of any C.O.C.V.s and (viii) single and/or multi-vehicle accidents.
    • The rider(lesee) acknowledge that some or all of the C.O.C.V.s that I am allowed to operate, ride upon or otherwise use may be prototypes or pre-production models. It’s understood that prototype and pre-production C.O.C.V.s are not manufactured for general consumer use and are not fully tested. Also, understood point is that there in increased risk involved in operating or riding upon prototype or pre-production C.O.C.V.s, and THE RIDER(LESSEE) AGREE TO ASSUME THAT RISK.
    • The rider at the time of booking and riding declares not to be under the influence of alcohol, drugs, other illegal substances, or any medications that may impair his/her judgment or his/her ability to operate or ride on a C.O.C.V. The rider agrees that he/she will not operate or ride on any C.O.C.V. while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, other illegal substances or any such medications.
    • The rider agrees that he/she will not operate or ride upon any C.O.C.V. unless he/she have first examined and satisfied himself that the C.O.C.V. is in good operating condition, and that he/she fully understands how to operate and ride on that C.O.C.V.
    • The rider agrees to operate or ride on each C.O.C.V. safely, defensively and within the limits of the law and own abilities. The rider(lessee) agrees to comply with all C.O.C.V. user eligibility and program rules.
    • The rider also agrees to allow the company and their respective dealers to contact him/her at the address, telephone number and e-mail address provided below and gather additional information about the C.O.C.V.s and/or additional information about other goods and services in which one may be interested.
  • Waiver and release of liability
    • The rider(Lessee) on behalf of all heirs, personal representatives, administrators, executors, successors and assigns (collectively, “Heirs and Assigns”), for and in considerations of the permission granted to him to operate, ride upon or otherwise use one or more motorcycles or other vehicles owned or controlled by Royalbison Autorentals India Pvt. Ltd., operating under the Royal Brothers brand (collectively, the “Company”; each such company owned or controlled vehicle is referred to herein as a “C.O.C.V.”), and for other valuable considerations, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, RELEASE, WAIVE AND FOREVER DISCHARGE the Company and each of their respective affiliated companies, subsidiaries, officers, directors, employees, dealers, distributors and agents (collective, the “Released Parties”), from ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS, RIGHTS AND CAUSES OF ACTION (Collectively, “Claims”) OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER THAT THE RIDER OR ANY OF HIS HEIRS AND ASSIGNS NOW HAVE OR LATER MAY HAVE AGAINST ANY RELEASED PARTY RESULTING FROM, CONNECTED WITH OR ARISING OUT OF MY OPERATION OF OR RIDING ON ANY C.O.C.V., REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH CLAIMS RELATE TO THE DESIGN, MANUFACTURE, REPAIR, OPERATION OR MAINTENANCE OF ANY C.O.C.V. OR THE CONDITIONS, RULES, QUALIFICATIONS, INSTRUCTIONS OR PROCEDURES UNDER WHICH ANY C.O.C.V. IS USED, OR ANY OTHER CAUSE OR MATTER.
    • The rider(Lessee) acknowledges and understands that this Release EXTENDS TO AND RELEASES AND DISCHARGES ANY AND ALL CLAIMS he/she or any Heirs and Assigns have or later may have against the Released Parties resulting from or arising out of my operation or of riding on C.O.C.V.s including without limitation all such Claims resulting from the NEGLIGENCE of any Released Party, or arising from STRICT PRODUCT LIABILITY, or resulting from any BREACH OF ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY by any Released Party, and regardless of whether such Claims now exist or hereafter arise or are known or unknown, contingent or absolute, liquidated or unliquidated or foreseen or unforeseen, or arise by operation of law or otherwise.
    • The rider(Lessee) acknowledges and understands that by agreeing to this Release he/she and his/her Heirs and Assigns AGREE NOT TO USE any or all of the Released Parties for any injury, death or damage to myself, my property, any other person or such other person’s property resulting from or arising out of my operation of or riding on any C.O.C.V.s
    • The rider(Lessee) acknowledge that he/she has been advised of and agree to waive on his/her behalf and on behalf of his/her Heirs and Assigns, and fully understand the effect of such waiver, all benefits flowing from any state statute that would otherwise limit the scope of this release, which provides: “A general release does not extend to claims which[a person] does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favour at the time of executing the release, which if known by him or her must have materially affected his or her settlement with the released parties”.
    • The rider confirms that this release is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by law. The extent and the scope of this Release is unenforceable in any jurisdiction, said scope will, as to such jurisdiction only, be automatically limited to the extent necessary to make this Release enforceable in such jurisdiction, without invalidating any other person of this Release. The rider hereby waives any right to bargain for different release or waiver of liability terms.

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Bike and Scooty Rental in Bhubaneswar Rs.5/H / Bike On Rent in Bhubaneswar

HIRE A BIKE IN BHUBANESWAR For all those bikers out there who know what a breeze it is getting across the city on a two-wheeler – choose renting a bike from Turbo Bike Rental for all your commute needs. Our fleet is suited to any length of travel and we promise you well-maintained bikes and a helmet for the duration of the ride. Forget about going through the hassle of purchasing a bike or fretting over paperwork, because we’ve got your covered. Bike rentals are available in Bhubaneswar when you choose Turbo Bike Rental. Visit our store at Infocity and book a ride within a few minutes for the ride of your life! Happy travelling! BIKES FOR RENT IN BHUBANESWAR Turbo Bike Rental services you with well-maintained bikes for rent in Bhubaneswar. Rent for short-term or long-term needs at the most affordable prices. Ditch depending on public transport and zip across the city conveniently by renting a bike. Visit the best tourist spots in Odisha with a bike rental that is hassle-free and efficient. Park with ease in even the most crowded spots and take your time getting back without the worry of a ticking metre. Ride in style with a bike rented from Turbo Bike rental. BIKE RENTALS IN BHUBANESWAR Turbo Bike Rental the trust name in mobility, has two wheelers on rent in Bhubaneswar. Experience the best of the temple city when you rent a bike from us. The most convenient way to navigate the city, visit its sister city, Bhubaneswar or for a quick trip to the beach. Discover affordable bike rentals in Bhubaneswar for convenient exploration. Easy booking, diverse options, and friendly service. Find your perfect ride today!.call-9583499487. Explore the outskirts of the city with our tourer bikes such as the Royal Enfield Classic 350. Travel Solo and Travel Safely with Bike Rentals in Bhubaneswar Turbo is the first startup to obtain a license to operate bike rentals in Bhubaneswar. We offer a wide variety of vehicles starting from scooters such as Activa, Dio, Aprilia SR, TVS Ntorq, Ather, Aviator to powerful bikes such as Royal Enfield Classic 350, KTM Duke 200, BMW, Yamaha Fazer etc. With the mission to “Reimagine mobility powered by trust”, our single point of focus has been to provide a seamless customer experience. Turbo is now providing our customers a safer way to travel and commute. We have made safety as our top priority. We are ensuring the two wheelers are sanitized before every ride. We are also providing Zero Contact Home Delivery so that our customers do not have to step out of the house. All our team members use masks and gloves to ensure higher customer safety. All these measures ensure that we provide safe bikes for rent in Bhubaneswar. Hire a Bike in Bhubaneswar for Easy Commute Bike rentals is a shared mobility offering that allows users to own the vehicle for only the duration of their need and return after it. It is a much better option economically. Users do not have to invest a huge sum of money to buy vehicles and instead spend a small amount as and when they need a two wheeler. Users also need not take the burden of insurance and maintenance. We also provide 24/7 roadside assistance to customers who rent a bike in Bhubaneswar. Two wheelers on rent in Bhubaneswar is a much safer alternative to public transport. Users can travel to places without being dependent on anyone else while also maintaining social distance. Bike rentals in Bhubaneswar is also a safer alternative to cabs because the user doesn’t share the ride with anyone else. Sanitized Bikes for Rent in Bhubaneswar The use case for bikes on rent in Bhubaneswar is many fold. Our customers rent vehicles to run daily errands and commute within the city. We have offerings ranging from a few hours to months (Monthly Bike Rental). A person who is new to the city uses Turbo bike rentals to navigate the city and also house hunting. More powerful two wheeler alternatives such as Royal Enfield Himalayan, Bajaj Avenger, Dominar, etc is used to go on weekend long rides. Bhubaneswar has a lot of tourist attractions nearby (One Day Trips Near Bhubaneswar) which makes it a prime spot to start your weekend getaway through hiring a bike in Bhubaneswar from Turbo. Our offering also extends to electric bikes for rent in Bhubaneswar to cater to the environmentally cautious users. Such as Yobykes Drift, Pure EV Epluto, etc. We have customers who also use bike rentals in Bhubaneswar to test ride vehicles that they are interested in buying. Booking a weekend trip allows the customers to explore everything that a particular bike has to offer. You can travel solo and travel safely with Turbo. Bike Rental Near to You - Our Bike Stations in Bhubaneswar We are present in multiple locations across the city so that our users do not have to travel farther to hire a bike in Bhubaneswar. Our pick-up points are at: Bhubaneswar,Cuttack,Puri,Khandagiri,Jagamara, and Patia. Turbobike rental bhubaneswar RENT A BIKE BHUBANESWAR (ELECTRIC SCOOTER RENTAL) Bike rental is an untapped reserve that many bikers aren't aware of but can actually be a very reasonable and exciting way to commute. Bike rentals Bhubaneswar like Turbo will allow you to rent a bike for as less as 10 Rupees per hour which works to a very nominal amount and you can use services like this to travel in style using a different motorcycle each day. Bike for rent not only save you money but will also reduce the headaches normally associated with owning a bike. All you have to do is rent a bike. Use it for an enjoyable ride. Return it and forget all about it. Self drive bike rentals like Turbo make it really convenient for you to rent motorcycles from all types and ranges starting from a scooter to a super bike like Dominar 400. This wide range of choice from a bike rental can perfectly satisfy your needs be it for a small trip or a long ride. Bike on rent Bhubaneswar are a boon for ardent bikers as you can choose from a plethora of different bikes starting from economical models to medium powered bikes to cruisers to seriously powerful super bikes like the Himalayan. HIRE A BIKE IN Bhubaneswar We live in a world where bikes, scooters and all two-wheelers have earned the reputation of not being safe. We, at Turbo, as a company works hard every day to make your every day safer. As cab rides and taxis loot you with their surge pricing, Rent bike Bhubaneswar offer you exciting offers and other premium privileges. Wouldn't you want to be free from every day Bhubaneswar's traffic and just break free? Picking up a bike from your nearest rental or just visiting our website would be a great start towards this process! With minimal processing steps, easy verification of documents, convenient pick-ups and drops, Turbo is a customer friendly, passionate and honest bike rental in Bhubaneswar. We aspire to change the perception of riders and promote their true passion - Rides. It doesn't matter if it's a scooter or a bike, when you are on the road, moving through the gaps of what can be a possibly an hour-long traffic, you'd be happy that you made the decision of renting a bike/scooter. So, give it a try, call us, email us or raise an enquiry from our website. We are here to build a community of safe, passionate and happy riders! We are here to stay! motorcycle rental in bhubaneswar Bhubaneswar bike rental in cheapest rates. Bike rentals in Bhubaneswar to explore city. Motorcycle rental in Bhubaneswar for road trips. Scooty on rent in Bhubaneswar for daily commute. Rent a bike for special occasion. Rent a motorcycle in Bhubaneswar for tour. bike renting in Bhubaneswar. Rent an activa for a month. Activa on rent in Bhubaneswar. Sport bike rental in Bhubaneswar. Rent a scooter in Bhubaneswar in cheapest rate. Well maintained scooters for rent in Bhubaneswar. Rent bike in Bhubaneswar across 6 locations. RTO approved bikes for rent in Bhubaneswar. Rent bike Bhubaneswar. Bike for rent in Karol bagh. Scooter rentals in gaffar market. Bike for rent in South campus . Bike for rent in dhaula kuan. Bike on rent in Khandagiri. Hire a bike in South ex. Bike for rent in Patia. Bike rental in Bhubaneswar. Bike on rent in Karol bagh. Best bike rental Karol bagh. Largest online platform for bike rentals in Bhubaneswar. Turbo bike rental bhubaneswar Types of Bikes for Rent in Bhubaneswar Considering the different types of choices and preferences from clients coming from different age groups, we have a wide range of bikes on rent for Daily Commute. Right from top-end pricey models to cater the demand of young, dynamic college going students, to average, high efficiency comfortable rental bikes targeted to grown up and elderly category of people. Whether it is Scooters, Cruise Bikes, Commuter Bikes, Adventure Bikes or Utility Bikes, we have it all. These days the younger generation prefers top end bike models to rent because of their Power & Stylish look, while the mid-aged group of people prefer Comfort over Style and Power. They are more focused on reaching their destination on time with a comfortable ride, hence prefer simple, average motorbikes to hire for their requirement. Turbo is your best option for bike rental in Bhubaneswar. Get most affordable rates with flexible km plans. Rent a bike from our wide range fleet..Hire licensed bikes including Royal Enfields, Yamaha FZ, Activa and other 2 wheeler for rent in Bhubaneswar.Safe and Affordable Bike Rentals in Bhubaneswar.. Get any rental bike on an hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly rental plan. Rent a wide range of bikes on an hourly, daily, weekly or monthly basis. Unlike others, we offer you the bike for a full 24 hours on our daily bike rental plans, where you can keep our rental motorcycles for 24 hrs if rented for a day. Why pay higher when you can rent a bike at really cheap prices. We also have added a range of bikes to rent like KTM Duke 200, Royal Enfield Classic 350, Harley Davidson, Apache 310, Royal Enfield Himalayan, Honda CBR 150R, Honda Shine, Aprilia SR 150, Pulsar NS 150, Activa 4G, Suzuki Intruder 150, Bajaj Dominar and many more in our fleet to give you choice to pick your favourite bike. If you are looking for a bike rental nearby, just look for the nearest location which is given with every rental bike. Bikes are Better on Commute When your need is really a cost-effective commute, we have got you covered. Our monthly bike rental in Bhubaneswar option gives you a really cheaper option for office commute or short rides. So why pay a higher price on cabs, when you can really rely on 10x cheaper bike rentals. You can go on a short or long road trip around Bhubaneswar on our rental bikes. Be it a trip from Bhubaneswar to puri, Bhubaneswar to Cutrtack, or Bhubaneswar to Konark, Turbo, is there everywhere. All-Inclusive Prices No charges in addition when you have decided to rent a bike in Bhubaneswar. We believe in a policy of what you see, is what you pay. So you always find that there are no hidden taxes or charges on any bike rental. Our bike hire rates are always cheaper than the competition. A penny saved is a penny earned. From The People Who are Bikers Our founders are basically bikers having completed Puri, Daringbadi, Konark, and many bike trips across India. Once you have decided to rent a bike from us, you are always in complete control. We shall give you a call and explain everything about your trip. You can always call us and get complete information. We always feel it a pleasure to help out the riders. Subscribe a Bike You can subscribe to a bike rather than buying it. Our monthly bike rental option in Bhubaneswar offers you maintenance less bike ownership. So you just need to complete your ride. If there are any glitches, we shall replace your bike in no time. Locations to Rent a Bike in Bhubaneswar You can easily rent a bike from your nearby locations in Bhubaneswar such as Khandagiri, Jagamara, Patia, and Jayadev Vihar. We are adding up more bike rental locations in Bhubaneswar so that you always get the nearest bike.

self driven bike Rent on Bhubaneswar

HIRE A BIKE IN BHUBANESWAR For all those bikers out there who know what a breeze it is getting across the city on a two-wheeler – choose renting a bike from Turbo Bike Rental for all your commute needs. Our fleet is suited to any length of travel and we promise you well-maintained bikes and a helmet for the duration of the ride. Forget about going through the hassle of purchasing a bike or fretting over paperwork, because we’ve got your covered. Bike rentals are available in Bhubaneswar when you choose Turbo Bike Rental. Visit our store at Infocity and book a ride within a few minutes for the ride of your life! Happy travelling! BIKES FOR RENT IN BHUBANESWAR Turbo Bike Rental services you with well-maintained bikes for rent in Bhubaneswar. Rent for short-term or long-term needs at the most affordable prices. Ditch depending on public transport and zip across the city conveniently by renting a bike. Visit the best tourist spots in Odisha with a bike rental that is hassle-free and efficient. Park with ease in even the most crowded spots and take your time getting back without the worry of a ticking metre. Ride in style with a bike rented from Turbo Bike rental bhubaneswar self driven bike. BIKE RENTALS IN BHUBANESWAR Turbo Bike Rental the trust name in mobility, has two wheelers on rent in Bhubaneswar. Experience the best of the temple city when you rent a bike from us. The most convenient way to navigate the city, visit its sister city, Bhubaneswar or for a quick trip to the beach.Discover affordable bike rentals in Bhubaneswar for convenient exploration. Easy booking, diverse options, and friendly service. Find your perfect ride today!. Explore the outskirts of the city with our tourer bikes such as the Royal Enfield Classic 350. Travel Solo and Travel Safely with Bike Rentals in Bhubaneswar Turbo is the first startup to obtain a license to operate bike rentals in Bhubaneswar. We offer a wide variety of vehicles starting from scooters such as Activa, Dio, Aprilia SR, TVS Ntorq, Ather, Aviator to powerful bikes such as Royal Enfield Classic 350, KTM Duke 200, BMW, Yamaha Fazer etc. With the mission to “Reimagine mobility powered by trust”, our single point of focus has been to provide a seamless customer experience. Turbo is now providing our customers a safer way to travel and commute. We have made safety as our top priority. We are ensuring the two wheelers are sanitized before every ride. We are also providing Zero Contact Home Delivery so that our customers do not have to step out of the house. All our team members use masks and gloves to ensure higher customer safety. All these measures ensure that we provide safe bikes for rent in Bhubaneswar. Hire a Bike in Bhubaneswar for Easy Commute Bike rentals is a shared mobility offering that allows users to own the vehicle for only the duration of their need and return after it. It is a much better option economically. Users do not have to invest a huge sum of money to buy vehicles and instead spend a small amount as and when they need a two wheeler.bhubaneswar self driven bike Users also need not take the burden of insurance and maintenance. We also provide 24/7 roadside assistance to customers who rent a bike in Bhubaneswar. Two wheelers on rent in Bhubaneswar is a much safer alternative to public transport. Users can travel to places without being dependent on anyone else while also maintaining social distance. Bike rentals in Bhubaneswar is also a safer alternative to cabs because the user doesn’t share the ride with anyone else. Sanitized Bikes for Rent in Bhubaneswar The use case for bikes on rent in Bhubaneswar is many fold. Our customers rent vehicles to run daily errands and commute within the city. We have offerings ranging from a few hours to months (Monthly Bike Rental). A person who is new to the city uses Turbo bike rentals to navigate the city and also house hunting. More powerful two wheeler alternatives such as Royal Enfield Himalayan, Bajaj Avenger, Dominar, etc is used to go on weekend long rides. Bhubaneswar has a lot of tourist attractions nearby (One Day Trips Near Bhubaneswar) which makes it a prime spot to start your weekend getaway through hiring a bike in Bhubaneswar from Turbo. Our offering also extends to electric bikes for rent in Bhubaneswar to cater to the environmentally cautious users. Such as Yobykes Drift, Pure EV Epluto, etc. We have customers who also use bike rentals in Bhubaneswar to test ride vehicles that they are interested in buying. Booking a weekend trip allows the customers to explore everything that a particular bike has to offer. You can travel solo and travel safely with Turbo. Bike Rental Near to You - Our Bike Stations in Bhubaneswar We are present in multiple locations across the city so that our users do not have to travel farther to hire a bike in Bhubaneswar. Turbo - bike rental company, puri puri, odisha bhubaneswar self driven bike bike rental in bhubaneswar self drive cars in bhubaneswar dropyou bhubaneswar self drive bike in puri Turbo bikes bhubaneswar, odisha drop you bike rental bhubaneswar motorcycle rental in bhubaneswar CLICK Terms & Conditions Terms & Conditions